Tag Archives: Weather

No complaints

The weather is miserable. Not really news. So why complain, right? But imagine complaining is not even an option. The rabbits, squirrels, foxes, groundhogs, and deer just hunker down and put up with it. At least they’re warm blooded. The cold blooded must deal with it as well. And though evolution has provided them with […]

Weather or not

Com in, she said I’ll give ya shelter from the storm

Last call for 2018

There seems to be value in reflection; where we’ve been, what we’ve done. Positive memories bring a nostalgia and warming of the heart. Negative memories call forth a resolve to learn from mistakes or guide us toward paths which avoid repeats. The turn of the year seems as good a place as any to take […]

Riff on an old saw

At a livestock auction long ago, my father and I had finished loading up our purchase and were turning about to make our exit. It had started to rain lightly, and the already muddy drive was getting worse by the minute. As we made our way up toward the hard road we came upon a […]

Changing of the year

Goodbye to 2017, and hello to 2018. Caution: navel gazing ahead. I would so enjoy a romp through the political news and accomplishment of 2017. That is, if there were any political news or accomplishment to enjoy. That we are still here to enjoy each other and the earth despite the politics of our day […]

Holiday ruminations

Festivities abound. The year wanes and whether we have much to celebrate or not, there still exist many opportunities for mirth. If the historic birth of a long promised Jewish boy warms your spiritual self then allow me to wish you the Merriest of Christmases. If your family and faith regards more senior Jewish celebrations, […]

Thanksgiving 2017

Several ways to play this one I suppose.  Could go with a time-tested listing of things I’m thankful for.   Could have a go at a satirical listing of things I’d like to be thankful for.  Maybe take a run at a list of things one might guess the other critters on the planet could be […]

Cricket song

You know the melody. One, or two, or many hundreds of crickets chirping their cricket chirps to serenade the world around them. Just this morning, before dawn, the dog and I stepped out for our ritual morning hike down to the end of the road. We were met with the chirp of an individual cricket. […]

Linus and Lucy?

George and Martha? Bill and Hillary? Mark Antony and Cleopatra? Well, none really. But if you had to pick one of these couples, A, B, C, or D – which makes the most sense? A – Linus and Lucy; brother and sister and supposedly full sibs. The seedlings shown here are hybrid corn seedlings. Single […]

God save the crown

Not a monarchist myself. So a Shakespearean quote like: “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown” doesn’t do much but set me off to scratching mine. But there is another sort of crown that I can get my head around.  This would be the crown of a plant.  And now that we stand in […]