Monthly Archives: October 2016

There’s a Bad Moon on the Rise

I believe I’ve heard it said that great minds think alike. Perhaps. There are plenty of aphorisms concerning the moon. So if two or more bloggers write up something about a full moon – are they kindred spirits?  Are they great minds?  Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. This most recent full moon was […]

Some people

In the previous post I mentioned traveling to northern Ohio locations to check on soybean research plots.  If you are not excited by a vast expanse of flat earth festooned with soybean field and corn field followed closely by another soybean field which is in turn followed by another corn field for mile after mile and […]

Busy neighbors

I work across a wide swath of central and northwestern Ohio. Our group is specifically active in four counties: Henry and Sandusky in the northwest and north central respectively; and Champaign and Madison in the central part of the state.  We also collaborate with other soybean scientists throughout the North American soy belt, but that […]