Monthly Archives: March 2017

“Now that we can do anything, we must do less.”

Brilliant. Might even serve as a title for some forthcoming text on sustainability. One could easily do worse. The first internet mention of this remark I can find occurred in the comments section of the Archdruid Report  in July of 2008.

Political winds

The attack upon the health care legislation of the previous U.S. administration has been yanked. Its likely failure cited as the cause.  Politics. I’m not a politician in the professional sense. I do vote.  I do have opinions, and have been guilty of sharing some from time to time.  But in the arena of finger […]

Gift of good brothers

Along the lines of Wendell Berry’s Gift of Good Land.  Value of family vs family values.  The Waltons – but not Walmart. I don’t find it too difficult to argue that one inherits their family. And not just the family one is born into, but also the family one creates as life develops.  If you’ve […]