Monthly Archives: August 2017

Cricket song

You know the melody. One, or two, or many hundreds of crickets chirping their cricket chirps to serenade the world around them. Just this morning, before dawn, the dog and I stepped out for our ritual morning hike down to the end of the road. We were met with the chirp of an individual cricket. […]

An Ooops, or Gonzo Marketing?

Crop production is big business.  Whether you farm several thousand acres, or keep a kitchen garden, your effort to produce plants places you in the enviable cause of helping to feed the 7 billion.  Right in line behind the folks in the fields there is a support industry manufacturing everything from equipment, fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, […]

Five gallons of death

That sounds pretty yucky.  And it should.  Hidden within this bucket are almost five full gallons of dead Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica).  These insects are serious herbivores and in significant numbers can render serious harm. In the face of an outbreak of these fiendish little coleopterans one might choose to spray chemicals, deploy pheromone traps, […]