Farming is a fascinating enterprise. We need food to survive, and as omnivores our food pallet is fairly extensive. If it’s not poisonous, make it a meal. Farming allows us to be selective in what we choose to consume. Farming also allows us to limit our footprint… though with over seven billion of us, the […]

Earth Day. If I were to pretend to be the Earth, and I realized these pesky humans running all about the place had actually planned to set aside a day for me – well, what would it mean to me? What sort of happiness might it evoke? Or should it cause me pain, knowing that […]

Vaingloriously vetoing voluminous & vital viral veracity. Virtuously visualizing various valuable vaccines. Vehemently & volubly venting vitriol. Vituperating. Viewing virgin veldt. Going back and forth, vacillating between vindictive and valorous ruminations. Stepping back and away from our ordinary concerns – where we can achieve some social distance – many of us are searching for relevance. […]

Over the last year we (the GP staff) have written about bees on several occasions. And you may be forgiven if you’d thought we’d run through the subject. I thought so. Now this story comes along, and we couldn’t resist. In the course of evaluating soybean germplasm we rely heavily on an instrument (NIRT – […]

Two recent stories about future milk sources have passed through the lens here at GP… one brought to my attention by a son, and the other through the serendipity of some online source which assumed I might be interested. Battle of the plant milks. The Guardian published a piece1 looking at the various ‘milk’ products […]

Philosophical reflection on New Years and a New Decade… how might we all do better

The weather is miserable. Not really news. So why complain, right? But imagine complaining is not even an option. The rabbits, squirrels, foxes, groundhogs, and deer just hunker down and put up with it. At least they’re warm blooded. The cold blooded must deal with it as well. And though evolution has provided them with […]

Gentle readers. Those paying attention may have spotted a trend for timing of the publication of thoughts here over the past many months… they’ve been coming at the end of the month. And those who know me appreciate the degree of procrastination I bring to a writing commitment. I have my reasons, and they work […]

What ware would a bee wear if a bee could wear ware? A simple riff on the old groundhog question?* Ahh, not so fast. Apparently some Bavarians were wearing bee ware last Spring. And at least for their political aspirations – it worked. In Munich a petition was circulated last winter and spring to make sweeping […]

As the summer of 2019 slows and the fall approaches there are a few critter notes to share. The Japanese beetles (Popillia japonica) were not too bad this year. Not absent, but not obnoxiously present either. I’m confident we’ll fall far short of the 5 gallons of beetle carcasses we collected a couple years ago. […]